Urban Monsters

The "Urban Monsters" project, funded by the European Union, aims to raise awareness of what contributes to the decline in the quality of urban life, in other words, the quality of life of all of us.
Germany (Bad Harzburg), Spain (L'Alcudia), Greece (Vólos), Italy (Molfetta), Finland (Helsinki) and Portugal (Parede) came together to study this topic. Between 2 and 4 October, the coordinators of the schools involved met to prepare this project where each one, according to their Erasmus Plan, embraced the challenge. It was thus agreed that the approach to the topic would be distributed as follows:
Germany (Bad Harburg): Transport ( 27/11 a 1/12 2023)
Portugal (Parede): Democracy | Participatory citizenship (5 a 9/02/2024)
Greece (Vólos): Urban planning (15 a 19/04/2024)
Finland (Helsinki): Information overload (16 a 20/09/2024)
Spain (L'Alcudia): Technology (10 a 14/02/2025)
Italy (Molfetta): 7R's (5 a 9/05/2025)
Germany (Bad Harburg): Transport ( 27/11 a 1/12 2023)

Portugal (Parede): Democracy | Participatory citizenship (5 a 9/02/2024)

In Parede, it was agreed that the theme would be Democracy, emphasising the importance of participatory citizenship in building democracy.
We mustn't forget that today's democracy is the result of the actions of citizens over time and that tomorrow's democracy will depend on the actions of each and every one of us. Each and every one of us!
Let's be participatory citizens! Let's not allow ourselves to be divided by social strata or political orientations. Take risks, don't be afraid to fail! Try, don't give up, don't leave the solutions in the hands of others because you have an opinion and want to be part of the solution and not the problem.
That way, we can all fight the "Urban Monsters" that threaten our quality of life, our freedom and democracy!
Ana Paula Alexandre (Erasmus+ Coordinator | Parede, Portugal)