Changing gestures ... What's my contribution to the fight against climate change?

Nome do projeto

Changing gestures ... What's my contribution to the fight against climate change?

Professor coordenador

Ana Paula Alexandre

Short description:

As the issue of climate change is a pressing issue, the project aims to sensitize each participant to his or her lifestyle and how it contributes to climate change. Starting from the survey of the ecological footprint of several groups dispersed by various places in Portugal and participating foreign countries we would be able to perceive the existing inequalities (or not) and, consequently, to have the notion of global to act locally. We will involve subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Civic Formation. 

Final product: video where all partners collaborate and contribute together to build the message on the need to change consumption habits as a way to stop climate change. 

Keywords: climate change, ecological footprint, global think local act, citizenship, environment 

Selo Nacional de Qualidade 2019 eTwinning

A Agência Nacional fez a seguinte apreciação:
"O projeto está bem estruturado estando o twinspace bem organizado. Foram cumpridos os objetivos propostos tendo-se proporcionado aos alunos oportunidades de enriquecimento pessoal e consciência cívica.
Parabéns pelo trabalho desenvolvido!"

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